Terms and Conditions


For the purpose of this page the following terminology shall be defined as follows:

The terms “We”, “Us, “Our”, “Our Company”, “Arobas Uldry Tunis”, “AUT” and other similar variants shall refer to Arobas Uldry Tunis

The terms “You”, “Your”, “Customer”, “The Customer”, and other similar variants shall refer to the owner of the storage media which is delivered to our company for data recovery services.

Liability Terms & Conditions

All data contained on media delivered to our company is to be considered as “lost” before it’s arrival. Arobas Uldry Tunis takes no responsibility for data lost as a result of our efforts or lack of efforts. Our acceptance of the digital storage media and contract to attempt recovery is in no way a guarantee that the data will be successfully recovered. All data recovery techniques employed by our company are to be considered “experimental”. Our service shall be considered a last effort toward recovery of the media.

AUT takes no responsibility for the well being of digital storage or other hardware that is left in our care. Our efforts may in some cases lead to degradation of the media, failure of the media, loss of warranty, or other consequences. We also take no responsibility for media which is lost or damaged during shipping to or from our company, any such claim will need to be filed against the offending parcel carrier. Our company takes no responsibility for media that is damaged, lost, or destroyed due to theft, fire, natural disaster, or other similar occurrence at our location.

Payment Terms & Conditions

Evaluation of the media is provided at no charge and without obligation to the customer, except on client site or rushed Recovery. Following evaluation customer will generally be provided a quote for recovery. If the quote is rejected, media will be returned to the customer.


If quote is approved by customer and 70% or more of the data (as calculated by the total number of files) is recovered the quoted payment will be immediately due and payable. This contracted payment amount will be due even if the media should turn out to have not contained the desired data or the data is no longer needed by the customer. Invoices which are not paid within 30 days will begin to incur additional interest and data storage charges.

Should customer refuse to pay after having approved quote and recovery efforts begin neither the recovered data nor the original media will be returned to customer. Such media will become property of AUT and may be sold, recycled, disposed of, or otherwise used by our Company at the discretion of its members.

If less than 70% of the data is recovered (as calculated by the total number of files) customer has the right to reject the recovered data and deem the recovery a “loss”. In such case, original media will be returned to customer however recovered data will not be provided to customer.


Abandoned Hardware

After media is evaluated or data recovery attempted customer will be contacted with the results via phone, email, or both. Should customer be unresponsive for more than 90 days the media and the data contained therein shall be considered to be “abandoned”. Any such “abandoned” media may be disposed or, recycled, sold, or otherwise used at Arobas Uldry Tunis discretion.